Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Yesterday while teaching a second year class, I could not get one boy to quiet down. Well, the class in general wouldn't quiet down, but one boy in particular was being obnoxious and he knew it. After warning him several times I lost it. I screamed at him "SHUT UP" and threw my chalk at him. The look on his face was priceless. He was shocked beyond belief that I threw a piece of chalk at him. He was actually quiet, but just from shock. The class erupted in laughter.

Some of you might find this to be horrible. Just remember that I'm in Korea. I could have beat him with a bamboo stick, which would have been perfectly acceptable. So, I think throwing a piece of chalk at him was really nothing major. Really, I wanted to throw my mug of hot tea on him... but I exercised restraint.

1 comment:

Helios said...

Aha!Your blog has gone large print!
Anyway, i wish i had seen that. I mean, you could have thrown him out the window like you did that one girl's makeup!