Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Last One!

Last Friday was a special day for me. The very last demo lesson that I will have to do in Korea. Thank God in Heaven! For a refresher, a demo lesson is a special fake "play" version of a class which is observed by other English teachers (Korean and navtive speakers) and someone from the province office. Anyway, the lesson was uneventful and boring as usual. Of course I taught the very best class I have in the school and we rehearsed the lesson before. Nothing is left to chance.

Anyway, after the lesson there is a feedback session with all of the people. First, my principal (the evil man) spoke for a very long time, in Korean. He talked for maybe 15 or 20 minutes. No one translated it. It is such a rude thing to sit through. Then everyone gave their impression of the lesson, in English. Of course everyone says the same things. The "compliment sandwich" approach, something nice, something negative, something nice.

Victoria was in my lesson. When the feedback session turned to her... she laid it all out. The emperor has no clothes! She said that it was obvious that I was a good teacher and that the students are very comfortable with me. You can't fake that. But then she mentioned the pink elephant in the room. She said that you can't learn anything from these lessons because everyone knows that they are staged and fake. She didn't say anything that everyone didn't know.

Anyway, no one really reacted to her truth telling. I didn't care either. Anyway, it's finished and I dont' have to do another one. Thank God it's all finished.

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