Sunday, February 10, 2008

The View From Above

While on vacation the other week Jennifer and I went to Seoul and climbed mount Namsan and went up the Seoul Tower, Korea's answer to the space needle. It was really great. The truth is that I'm quite afraid of heights, but after getting up there, it was no big deal. I guess that since I've flown that heights aren't so bad for me anymore. Here are some nice photos of the trip.And outside, here are some strangely worded rest-area type restaurants. I love the way Koreans use English!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, I've been reading it from the start. Your insight into Korean culture is fantastic. Just had to say thanks for keeping on with the updates. (I kind of abandoned my blog about a year ago so I know it gets burdensome sometimes.)
By the way, I would very much like an "octagonal resting place". he he