Monday, October 16, 2006

Kickball Anyone?

The other day the students were sent home after fourth period. The teachers were preparing for their sports day. The high school teachers would play sports against the middle school teachers. Oh great. This is just what I wanted.

When I went outside, this wasn't the story. There were several tables set up with lots of food and booze. The sports day was just an excuse to drink. The menu included Chok-bal (pig's feet), roasted chicken, kim-chi, and rice candy chewy thingy. The beverage menu included soju and whiskey. I partook of both. By the end of the day I'd had about 3 bottles of soju and 3 shots of whiskey. I was feeling very little at that point in time.

After the drinking marathon, the teachers actually played kickball and badmitten. I can't believe it. A good time was had by all. After I left, some teachers continued their drinking binge and went to the No-rae-bang (karaoke bar) to sing and tie one on. Here are some lovely pics of my first drinking, er, I mean "sports" day. The last picture is the chok-bal in our fridge. Mmmmm... tastes like feet.

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