Tuesday, December 05, 2006


It's snowing! Now, it may be just a dusting, but my students are so excited about it. Apparenlty it's the Korean equivalent of a blizzard. This has other meanings though as well.

With no heat in the hallways and half-inch gaps around all outside doors, the halls are only a degree or two warmer than outside. The classrooms are quite warm, but you open that door to the hall. Woosh. You got a Siberian breeze blowing in your face. It does wonders to wake you up when you're too sleepy.

It's final exam time right now as well. This means that since I'm such a vital cog in the Juksan Comprehensive High School machine, that I'm co-observing students taking their tests. This officially means that I stand there, drink my tea, and maybe hand out a new scantron sheet when the kids need one. Oh, and sometimes I pick up a pen for them if they drop one. Excitement. Other than that, I'm generally bored out of my mind.

Today I was invited to a co-teacher's wedding. It's the first invite I've gotten to anything in Korea. It's actually quite exciting for me. I'm going to try and make it. What does one give as a wedding gift in Korea? I'm going to have to ask about that one. I've been assured that there will be plenty of delicious food there. Just as long as it isn't squid, and doesn't have the eyes still attached... then I'll be happy.

That's all the news that is fit to print fron Anseong. Where the women are strong, the men are good looking, and all the children are above average.

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