Monday, August 20, 2007

First Day Back

Well, it's the first day back to school. First day of the second semester. Man, the students don't want to be here! They were absolutely horrible today, as is to be expected. I like to make it known though that I realy like my students. They are really good kids. They are horrible students, but they are good kids. I much prefer them outside of class. I try my best to form my opinions of them based only on their behavior outside of class.

It was very nice to come back to school today. It was nice to sit at my desk and to see all of the teachers. They were happy to see me, and many of them gave me a "long time no see" kind of greeting. So, that was nice. All of the problems, and there are many, that I have with my school do not involve the other teachers. All of the teachers here are great, and they really are nice people. It's too bad that all the other things at this school have to overshadow the decency of the teachers.

I was just informed that I have to write a "report" for my summer vacation. Mr. Yoo had me sign a paper that indicated my vacation days. Well, he didn't inform me that on this form it said I was doing research on Korean culture. This is paperwork that everyone has to do inorder to receive their vacation time. What is wrong with Korea? Can't we just have vacation time? The crazy thing is that this is not a real assignment. I just need to put something together, that's it. No one will ever read it, since it's in English. There is no length requirement. It's just busy work. Koreans love beaurocracy.

1 comment:

Helios said...

"Horrible students, good kids"

i like that, that is good!

Do you ever wonder and worry about whether your students will fully beauracratize like the adults there? Maybe yours won't! ;)

Glad that you were welcomed back by your colleagues and that they made you able to stand getting back to your desk there...