Friday, August 24, 2007

Nickeled and Dimed

It's no secret to anyone who has talked to me or read my blog that my school is slightly less than forthcoming when it comes to matters of money. If being stingy and shady was an olympic event, they'd at least place in the top 3. I have decided that if they wish to nickel and dime me, that is ok. But, they can expect to be nickeled and dimed right back.

One strange thing in the pay scale for foreign teachers is that if you teach in what is considered to be a "rural" area, you get paid an extra $100 per month, and you get an extra week of vacation time. When I received my very first pay, over a year ago I asked about this and was told that Juksan isn't the country. Over the last year I've asked other teachers in other schools, and the concensus is that almost everyone in Anseong gets this bonus pay. Hell, teachers living in and working in the city of Anseong get this pay, but I didn't qualify when I teach in a village?

Since I'm leaving at the end of April (YEAH) I definitely need all the money I can get. In this mindset I contacted people at the province office. They explained to me that just because my school was in the country didn't qualify it for this rural pay bonus. The bonus actually has to do with what zone the school is in within the city (I know, it makes no sense). Korean teachers that work in these "rural" schools also get bonus points so that they can go work in the better city schools... kind of like a get out of jail free card.

I asked the art teacher if she gets points for working here. She does. I knew it! So, after a short e-mail to the province liason and a quick phone call confirming it, I am going to get this extra pay. The best part is that it is retroactive. Hey, at the end of the year that extra $2600 will be very useful. I should get the retroactive $1700 in my next paycheck. I'm pretty happy. My school now knows that I'm playing hard ball. I'm not some pushover, and I'm gonna get everything that I'm entitled to get.

1 comment:

sassay said...

It's been interesting reading your blog. I taught in Anseong from July 1997 to September 1998, and I couldn't help noticing that you've been to Anseong and seem to know some teachers there. I've been trying to get back in touch with my former director, Oh, Myung-hwan, from OZ English Club (though likely the school name has changed if it exists at all). Anyway, if you know anyone teaching at a hagwon in Anseong, could you pass along my email address? Any leads would be appreciated.
Thanks much and good luck with the rest of your time.
Anthony Granato