Wednesday, April 18, 2007

So Tough

My co-teacher needed to use my English period to "give hints" for the upcoming midterm exmas. This means basically that the test will be read to them. Now, none of the kids will pay attention, but you can't say the teachers aren't giving them the opportunity for an A. I went along because this was one of the worst behaved classes, and I was on love stick sleep patrol. When a student was dozing off, I'd poke them or gently rap them on the arm to wake them up. It's effective.

Well, this class it was mainly the boys in the back (just like in America) that were being the bad kids. There were 4 or so that I continually had to whack to wake up. I just made the rounds in the room, when I'd finished, they'd be dozing again, round two.

These boys are all real tough, and they want you to know that. So, when I poke at them to wake up, they try to grab the stick from me. They try to grab it to break it. One of them flexed his muscles at me, yup, I got a ticket to the gun show. It's so laughable. These kids think they're so freaking tough when in reality they're about as troublesome as a cloudy day to me. I have to stop myself from laughing at them.

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