Monday, April 02, 2007

Daniel: Destroyer Of Dreams

I have a new student, a freshman, who simply should not be at our school. As I've stated before, my school is for students who do poorly on their placement exams. Good students go to the city schools, the bad students gets shipped out to the country where they encounter me. Well, this girl is the number one student in her class. She is the ONLY student to have scored 100% on her English exam. Her English is pretty perfect. Her accent is excellent. She should really be at a better school. I foresee her being very bored and possibly becoming problematic.

Well, on Friday, I saw her in the classroom during lunchtime. I went in and talked to her. I asked her if English class was too easy for her. She said that it was. I offered to work with her one-on-one to give her more challenging English work. She said ok. Later that day, she came up to me to talk to me more formally. We talked a bit about what we would do and started to arrainge it.

Later, during the 20 minute cleaning period (right before the last period of the day when the students clean the school) she came up to my desk to talk. In class we had been working with emotions. I've been asking the students "How are you feeling today?" Well, when I'd asked her that week she's responded "confused." When I asked why she said "it's a secret." Well, she told me the secret. "I'm in love with my math teacher." Awwww... she has a crush. She told me who her math teacher is and I looked on the teacher seating chart for the office (since Mr. Lee is the name of half of the teachers here) and saw who it was. "Oh, he just got married in the fall." To which she replied "WHAT????" Ok, I've apprently killed her on the inside. She was crushed. She kept talking about how when he smiles his eyes get small, and how he's so handsome, and how he looks "oriental" (don't they all?). Anyway, I've apparently injured her for life. Next time we meet I'll tell her about Santa and the Easter Bunny.

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