Friday, September 21, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me

Monday was my birthday. Now, I turned 30... but that's in Korean age. Everywhere else in the world I'm considered to be 29 years old. I'll cross that 30 bridge next year. To celebrate my birthday Victoria invited me over to her place for dinner. Now, she was in the hospital last week for chest pains, and had an angioplasty, so for her to do anything was just beyond amazing. She was feeling very good though. So, for dinner she mad spring rolls, salad (one without tomatoes for me, she knows me so well), bagette with black olive spread from her recent trip to Italy, spaghetti with shrimp (she thought they were real shrimp when she bought it, but they were in fact made from flour, they're good though). For dessert she bought a cheese cake. It was just so great of her to do this for me. I've been feeling so burned out and anti-social lately, so this was more appreciated than you can imagine. She also got me a couple of small things. Here are the highlights.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are truly blessed, do you know that? Blessed! Happy Birthday!