Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sick Student

Whenever a student is tired, they say "I'm sick." This is how they let get the teacher to let them sleep at their desk with their head down. It's pretty annoying. Well, this morning a girl told me she was sick. My answer was "so am I." She said she had a cold. I said "so do I." This didn't make her happy. So, she put her head down. Fine, I don't really feel like arguing this point anymore. I mean, the kids that want to sleep during class, it's better if they're asleep, then they're not disrupting class. Well, next thing I know she has her mp3 player headphones on. I Make her take them off... she's sick. A few minutes later she was talking to her classmate next to her. I yelled at her and told her to stop talking to people... she's sick. Basically I took away all the fun from being "sick." I didn't let her listen to music, talk to people, play with the girl's hair in front of her. She had to sit at her desk with her head down. It was pretty awesome. Next time a student plays this "I'm sick" game with me, I might just move their desk to the front of the classroom... because they're sick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent! That's exactly what an experienced middle/high school teacher would have done. Now, you'll need to plan the next course of action because they will certainly be talking about this new change and plotting their next plan of attack.