Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Pink Eye

I don't understand this but it's pink eye season in Korea. How does pink eye have a season? I understand seasonal things like allergies since mold and pollen and things follow seasonal levels, but pink eye? I just don't get it. Anyway, my kids have fallen like flies to this itchy puffy fate. In my first class this week there were only 7 students that showed up. That's 7 out of 36. That was the most dramatic reduction, but all the classes are missing at least 10 students. The crazy thing is that the Korean teachers told me that many of the kids want to get pink eye, so they purposefully itch their sick friends' eyes and then try to infect themselves. It apparently works. So far this week it has been pointless for me to be here. Out of 4 classes we only did work with one of them. The rest were just given some free time since it is pointless to press on when you will have to repeat it in a few days. I reminded my kids to wash their hands frequently with hot water and soap. I'm not going to let anyone touch me.

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