Thursday, November 30, 2006


I finished my online TEFL course today. It only took me 12 days to do the course, that's 2 more than is the minimum number of days. I'm pretty excited about that. I had to write a mini-reseach paper today. I think I did a superb job. As soon as I get my certificate, which should take a week or so, I will be able to get my pay raise.

I'm thinking of gettting my Masters of Arts in EFL. This would allow me to teach at a university and really make quite a bit more money. It also opens the door to more competitive job markets. I'm exploring my options. So far I might do a course through Reading University in Reading, England. There are good universities in the U.S., but they cost a pretty penny ($20,000 and up per year). Now is the information gathering stage.

Next I will do a business English course online. It's always good to keep learning and expanding your training.

1 comment:

Helios said...

More pay is good!

That MA in EFL is a good idea...then you know, you can get yourself a Harris tweed jacket and even teach russians to speak english!

when i worked for UM Press i edited ESL books sometimes.