Thursday, September 14, 2006

Chilly Mornings

Well, the first morning walk at 6am with Min Ji was nice, but it was chilly. She was shaking quite a bit since she has no fur at all. So today I had to do something I've never thought I'd have to do. I bought her a doggie sweatshirt. It seems to do the job, and it covers up her rat-like nakedness.

She won't look at the camera. Here she is in mid head shake.

And here is a new picture of Kim Chi after she has filled out and grown some hair. She needs a grooming. Notice how good she poses for pictures.


Helios said...

oh dan, she's precious...look at that tail!

she's looking at you out of the corner of her eye there....i don't think she knows what to make of her public nakedness. she's probably saying, "why did they cut off my hair and then put this strange piece of apparel on me? Is he trying to turn me into a human?!!

For some reason i keep thinking her name is Kim Chi! ;)

Helios said...

oh my, you called her kim chi in one of the captions!

Helios said...

Dan, i think i may have to go out and get my basset hound puppy now............ or another cat.....

Daniel Youngs said...

Kim Chi is Victoria's dog.