Friday, September 22, 2006

It's Not Easy Being Enlightened

Well, ever since climbing that mountain in Seosan and visiting the Buddhist temple Gaeshim-sa, I have been living an enlightened life (smerk). With this new-found enlightenment comes certain responsibilities. One is my responsibility to nature and life. I've already honored this by adopting Min Ji. I am so karmically good with the universe right now.

In all seriousness though, I've become sick of my ignorance of Korean language. It's time to put those damned books to use. So, today, I came to school prepared. I have a small notebook that I bought in Seoul. It is a daily vocabulary notebook. There are spots for 4 words a day, and their definitions. The notebook is written in, and propped up on my desk for me to look at all day long. My four words today are: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and tea. I've also brought in my special notebook for writing Korean, it consists of small squares, so you can get used to writing in syllable blocks. I've also got my two Korean books here. I think that the one I bought in the U.S.A. will be more useful right now. The one I bought in Korea is just not doing anything for me.

So, with my free time this morning, I am beginning my push forward into the dark void of my ignorance. Apparently you only need 150 words to converse in Korean. I'm trying to get there. I can't continue to be the stupid American who doesn't speak the language. Dammit, I'm a linguist (kind of) so I should WANT to learn the language. Come hell or high water, that is what I will do. Grrrr.

1 comment:

Helios said...

go for it dan!