Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I'm lonely. I have very good friends in Korea, but I miss having someone in my house. So, I'm seriously toying with the idea of getting a dog. I know that this might be a bit of a hassle, but it worked out well for Victoria. So, yesterday I went to the animal shelter to see what they have.

It's kind of strange. They show you a picture of the dog off of the computer, but they don't show you the actual dog. I'm sure they'll show you any dog in person, but it's kind of interesting.

Now, because Victoria is a great friend and I am with her and her dog all of the time, I would get a female, so that there is no chance for my dog and Victoria's dog to contribute to the abundance of dogs in Korea. I'm also going to have to get a small dog, the kind that can be carried around in a small bag/carrier. This might be a birthday gift to myself. Also, since I plan on traveling and teaching, I want a dog I can take with me.

Oh, the shelter won't give me a dog unless I promise to take it with me to the U.S.A. They don't want to get the dog back in 6 months, I'm sure that's a huge problem. So, the next few days/weeks will show wether or not I get a dog. It would be nice to have something to come home to. Then comes the pressure of a name.


Helios said...

i think "sharon" is a nice name.... ;)

dogs are such wonderful companions...but they can get lonely when you are gone for the day. how far is victoria from you...maybe you could leave her with her dog sometimes during the day...

do you like cats? they're not a pack animal and a bit more self sufficient and comfortable by themself. i never thought i was a cat person till someone gave me one...she is the best cat in the world...she is Top Cat! She runs to see me whenever i come home.

I'm just an animal person in general. they are so authentic.

that will really be a long flight back to the US for a dog (or cat). You will have to get it used to being in the carrier way in advance...

i don't think the US has quarentines on incoming animals like Britain and some other countries.

Helios said...

the animal shelter doesn't sell the excess dogs to a bologna factory or something, do they?

Helios said...

Haaaaaa!!!! >:)

yes, bologna is one of the grossest of meats...

Daniel Youngs said...

They might, the shelter isn't so humane I think. They don't let you in back where the animals are, and they're very very thing.

I got bologna from the base this last weekend. I really missed it. Bought 2 packages.