Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Counting Your Blessings

Yesterday, Brandon, from South Africa, called me up. He had just gotten home from school and wanted to go grab a meal. Of course I joined him. Vacation has led to boredom for me. Well, Brandon and I had a wonderful day. I took him across town to a big office supply store that we call the "teacher store" where you can pick up anything that you need. We explored some new stores. We also found an underground grocery store and department store. Who knew it even existed? Not me.

Well, now comes the shocking news. Brandon was telling me about his winter English camp. His school, in their infinite wisdom, decided to farm him out to an even more rural school. This new school is 40 minutes from his current school (which is quite out there). Well, to quote Brandon, this school made him feel like he was in the movie "Deliverence," which does not bode well for anyone. At lunch time he was asking about a restaurant. There are no restaurants. Well, they had food for him. They gave him a nice soup. Now, playing "guess the meat" is kind of a game we have to play often. So, Brandon is asking "pig? Is this pig? Cow, is this cow?" Well, eventually someone just kind of nodded.

The soup was horrible and the meat was very chewy and strange. Later, a man used his cell phone and looked up the English word for what they were eating. Racoon. He was eating racoon. Today the menu contained rabbit. Thank God in heaven that I have NEVER had to endure that. I hope Brandon brings a lunch from now on.

1 comment:

Helios said...

hmmmm....i would not eat any meat over there...he could be eating dogs and cats, rats! whatever animal is walking around! like all animals are fair game....

jim's grandmother used to cook whatever his grandfather would find, opossums (which evidently look like a baby in the oven), squirrels, raccoon, bear, turtles (she made this awful turtle soup), and of course deer. They lived in the UP and raised dairy cows. Was during the Depression. Most of the time they lived on potatoes and whatever they could supplement it with. Was a hard life. they moved up there from Indiana becasue his grandmother had very bad asthma and the doctor said she would die if they didn't move Up North to get away from the pollen. So they moved up there and she lived to be 95. When jim went up there to visit on summer vacations he never knew what he was eating.

as for me, i've never even had venison. and don't care to.