Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Spider Tree

While walking from my apartment the other morning, I looked up. In one of the trees that I pass there were literally hundreds of big huge spiders. They were spinning their webs and just hanging out. It was one of the most amazing things that I've ever seen.


Helios said...

you should have taken a movie and set it to music, like a ballet....

Michael Emmanuel said...

Nature has given me some wonderful memories. My latest is a video of a Great Egret. Thanks for sharing your Spider Tree!

Daniel Youngs said...

Autumn, I'm so glad that even 13 time zones away, that I can still make you scream like a sissy. Damn you and Chris for eating that beef. Yeah, a hamburger worth of beef costs about $10 here, so it's not something I partake in. Dammit.