Friday, August 25, 2006


I am so incredibly happy that it is Friday. This first week back with students has been so trying and frustrating and exhausting. Where to start?

Well, the yellow card/red card thing works well... to an extent. I gave out red cards the first two days, no more red cards were given this week. However, none of the students showed up for their detentions. I had Mr. Yoo talk to the homeroom teachers, then 1 student showed up out of 4. Then another 2 students were given red cards and didn't show up. Now, today a student is coming after school. I'm pissed that the homeroom teachers aren't putting the fear of God into these kids. Why should I be the only teacher without credibility? I think that the word has gotten around though about how horrible it is to write these sentences. I'm hoping that regardless of wether the homeroom teachers make the students follow through (I will make them follow through when I see the kids next) that the rest of the students will know that I mean business.

Also this week I have a new co-teacher, since Ms. Lee is gone on maternity leave (she had a boy). My new co-teacher speaks perfect English, she spent some time (a very short time) in L.A. So, I've had a new co-teacher to get used to, which is always interesting.

My schedule was also rearrainged since another co-teacher went on a business trip. This gave me 6 classes in one day, which is a lot. I swear to God and Buddha and Allah and Moses that I thought I would die. It was a day filled with bad classes and bad attitudes and my exhaustion. I made it through the day, and went home. From standing so much and teaching, my feet and calves kept cramping up all night and into the next morning. I also was losing my voice.

So, I've reached Friday alive, barely. I need the weekend more than the students do. I never thought I would have such a rough first week back.


Helios said...

You really needed your weekend there. that's a lot of time on your feet dan. That's a lot of classes in one day to teach. But you know, i think you might be getting thru to them.

Just remember, an absence of rainy days in life makes for a desert in the heart...

penguininthesun said...

yikes. I'm glad the weekend is here too! Get lots of rest!