Monday, June 11, 2007

All The Girls Hate Me

I am so sick and tired of looking at my female students during class. They're always applying make-up, lotion, powder... something to their faces. Or, their noses are pressed up against a mirror as they stare at their faces or fix their hair, or mess with pimples. I've had enough of it. I'm cracking down.

Friday, a girl was warned to put away the make-up. I always warn, I'm a softie that way. So, when she was applying powder next, I took away her compact. She wanted to know when she could get it back. I told her never. I took it home and threw it away. I did this at home so that the students wouldn't fish it out of the garbage here at school when they empty the trash.

Today, a girl was using a mirror in class. Now, this girl is always applying make-up or using a mirror, a horrible student. I took the mirror from her desktop and put it in her school bag. I told her not to bring it out again or I'd throw it out the window. Two minutes later, out it came. I calmly walked up to her, took the mirror and threw it out the second story window. CRASH! That's one less mirror I have to deal with. The class loved this. That girl did not.

Am I being harsh? I don't think so. They know the rules. They're breaking them. I give them a warning. It's their choice to not listen. If they won't give me respect and they don't care if they get hit... how about I hit them where it hurts? I know that cosmetics and mirrors will get pricey if you have to continually replace them.

I warned my last class about cosmetics and mirrors. One girl is going to cosmetology school. She told me that her make-up kit was expensive, $200. I told her I'd better not see her playing with it during class, I don't care how much it costs. I hope she understands.

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