Monday, June 04, 2007


Today while teaching one of my senior classes, I saw that one of the boys had a big bandage on his arm, running from the elbow down to the wrist. I stopped to ask him what he'd done. He told me, and seemed to be rather proud of himself, that he was drunk and got in an accident on his motorbike. I was shocked. He was proud of himself. It wasn't a big deal. Just a daily thing in his life. My co-teacher wasn't shocked or even really concerned. I yelled at him and told him not to do that again. I let him know that if he were in America that he would be in jail right now. Apparently it is illegal in South Korea, drunk driving, but there are absolutely no police out on the streets, so it goes unenforced. I am so shocked and disgusted by this. It's no wonder that the traffic accident rate is the highest in Korea. When will my kids learn? Getting smashed does not make you an adult or a man.

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