Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Well, it's that time again. Final exams. That means one thing... I'm going to be "co-observing" students taking exams. Ok, I already know I'm not a real person here, but co-observing? What makes it even worse is that there are already mothers that come in to help observe the students to prevent cheating. So, there are 3 of us watching kids fale their exams. I'm such a vital cog in the educational machine that is Juksan Comprehensive High School.

I love that the more you watch teenagers, the more you realise that they are all the same, and all very boring. My last exam I had to co-observe, about 1o boys were finished in about 5 minutes. I was walking around, looked at their answer sheets, and they had every answer marked as "C." Yup. These are the kids I have to teach. I hope they enjoy pumping gas, because that is what I see in their future.

1 comment:

Helios said...

hmmm..sounds like "Idiocracy" is not 500 years into the future....sounds like you're living there right now!