Thursday, March 29, 2007

Welcome To My Hell

Well, I thought that my contract was all settled yesterday, since I signed it. But, this morning they seem to think that I do not qualify for my pay raise. Their immediate reason is that I taught Russian, not English, for one year. I told them that it did not matter, since I have been teaching in public school since 2003. I hope that this puts to rest their snooping for ways to cheat me out of my raise that I was supposed to get in January.

None of this behavior seems to say to me "you're a valued teacher and we're so glad you're going to stay with us for another year." I mean, I'm a team player. I don't make waves here. I am always prepared, and do a good job with each class. The students and other teachers like me. I buy my own office supplies and candy for the students with my own money. I just bought a printer so I could print color things for class with my own money. So, stop nickel and diming me. Between this and the apartment talk of last week, I'm feel really appreciated and welcomed.

Also, my trip to Hong Kong is off. There was some debacle at the travel agent, and they cannot get us plane tickets on the required day. They offered to get us tickets on a flight the next day, but it wouldn't really be worth it. So, I'll spend this time off just relaxing hopefully in my same apartment. Oh well, I'll just use this money to pay off another credit card.

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