Monday, May 07, 2007

Korean Language Class

Saturday was my first trip to the Korean language institute. It took much longer to get there than I thought it would. It takes an hour to get to Seoul to the express bus terminal. Then, it took an additional hour on the subway to get to the institute. It was a bit exhausting, and Victoria and I were 20 minutes late. Next week we will be on time.

The institute is quite nice, with many classes running at one time. Our class has only 3 students in it, which is a blessing really. Besides Victoria and I, there is a young guy named Jimmy (I think that's his name). We are all teachers, he's been here just a couple of months, still in the honeymoon stage of his life here. Our teacher was a nice young Korean woman who spoke absolutely perfect English. The lesson was entirely over the alphabet, reading simple syllables, and pronunciation. This was all review for me, but helped to clear up some of the very close vowels.

I think this class is going to be such a great thing for me. I really can't wait until next saturday for our next class.

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