Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Moment For Reflection

Today I found myself sitting in my classroom, waiting for my high school summer school students who haven't shown up since the first day (it's day 7 now). When I do this, I just sit on the internet and fiddle around for 30 minutes or so, just in case one of them drops by. I was watching a Regina Spektor video online from her website: If you don't know her, I recommend her highly. Click on "video" and watch her one music video. You won't be disappointed.

Anyway, as I was watching this I remembered that the person that gave me my Regina Spektor CD copies was a student from my last Russian class at Wayne State. Then I began to wonder if he would be continuing onto the second year of Russian. And I remembered how my class was so upset when they found out that I wouldn't be teaching the second half of first year. And I remembered how much fun it was to teach them, even the crazy girl (you all know the story of her final oral project about her family).

Where am I going with this? All of these things were just in the winter. Here it is, the end of July, and I'm 13 time zones away, waiting on kids that aren't coming. I'm sitting in a classroom in Juksan High School in South Korea, wearing my indoor slippers, sick with a summer cold (they're the worst). Who knew 7 months ago that I would be here? No one. I had no clue. Yet, here I am. It was a very "we're not in Kansas anymore" kind of moment. Life is strange. Sometimes strange and wonderful. Sometimes strange and disappointing. The only constant is strange. I couldn't feel more outside of my own world than I do right now. It's definitely an experience you can only get in a place like this.

1 comment:

Helios said...

It's not the only place...those out of synch moments can happen wherever you are...who knows what's real...

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."
--Anais Nin