Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Summer School

You all know that I've been stressed about lesson planning for summer school. It's been a big deal, with power point presentations and all kinds of things. Today was my first day of summer school. I had 17 middle school students and 19 high school students.

There were 6 absent for middle school, 10 absent for high school. What was I worried about? For a moment I forgot who my students were. I forgot that these are the same kids that hate English class during the school year. Sure, they're my over-achievers in class, but they're still kids in summer school. They're not there by choice. I could stand up there with my finger in my nose and they wouldn't notice or care really.

They did enjoy my powerpoint presentation, so that was good. They also seemed to learn what I was teaching. We went over time in the high school group, and we came back to it in the last 10 minutes. They got it right for the most part, so that's reassuring.

The difficult part about summer school is finding a way to keep it light and breezy. I'm trying to come up with a holiday related activity for each day, and it isn't so easy. There's only so many wordsearch puzzles that a kid can do.

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