Monday, July 10, 2006

Under Pressure

This is so not a good time for me. First off, I had the food poisoning. So naturally, my stomach is touchy and I'm hesitant with food. I simply have to be very very cautious about everything I put into my mouth. This is adding to my general state of yuckiness that is pervading my personality of late.

Secondly, my school has scheduled English summer camp to start the day after school is over with. So, I get no break to recoup a bit. They've also scheduled both the high school and middle school camp at the same time. So, instead of a week of high school then some time to lesson plan then another week of middle school, I get high school in the afternoon and middle school in the morning. This means I have to do all of my lesson planning now, in 9 days. That's a lot of work.

Third, I'm down because during the 6 week summer vacation, I only get one week off. The rest of the time I must come into the school and sit here. I get to twiddle my thumbs for 4 weeks. I'm supposed to be lesson planning, but how much lesson planning can one person do in one sitting? I'll have gone mad after one week.

Fourth, there is just a general sort of malaise and homesickness that is pervading me right now. It has made me feel very lonely and isolated. It's also made me feel as if this is not my real life. This is just a side thing that is going on while I'm waiting to get back to my real life. I don't like this feeling but I don't know how to shake it.

This is my life in Korea for now. I know that after summer school (July 19 - Aug.1) I will feel better, but in the meantime, it sucks.

1 comment:

Helios said...

yeah, it would be nice if you could just go to the transporter room and beam yoursef back for a weekend and do some fun stuff! anyway, guess you have to somehow pretend you're living your real life. i do that every day of mine. i've never figured out the best way to shake that feeling other than to just put one foot in front of the other and just keep going with the flow and enjoy and savor the little things.

You sure don't get much of a vacation there. That's wierd about you having to report to twiddle your thumbs for four weeks.