Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away, Come Again Some Other Day

The rainy season is upon us. Typhoons are bringing rain. Anyway you slice it, it means one thing... a wet time in Korea.

It has been raining incredibly hard since saturday. All day saturday, all day sunday, most of the day on monday. It's now tuesday, and the rain is going to be off and on all day. The rivers are actually full. There is flooding in some provinces here in Korea. 10 counties have been given natural disaster status. 29 people have died. 3000 people are homeless. It's a horrible thing.

Luckily, I live in a provice and a city that weathers the storm very well. The worst part about the rain for me was that it was raining in my windows. When I went to close the windows, I slipped on the rain and landed on my right knee. This is the knee that I injured a couple of winters ago when I fell on the ice. You know that's gonna be a pain that lingers.

My weekend has been spent loafing about. Victoria spent the day at my place on saturday. It was so hot outside, and her air conditioning was broken. So, she called me in the morning and said "I'm coming to your place to do some work and sit in your air conditioning." Well, she had good intentions. Unfortunately, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. She came over, relaxed. We watched 3 movies, ordered pizza. It was a nice but thoroughly wasted day. She did make one power point presentation, which I helped her with. So, it wasn't ENTIRELY wasted time. But we had a good time.

Sunday I spent the day alone. It's so nice to have time to yourself. I met up with Victoria and Beryl and we went to see "Pirates of the Caribbean 2." Let me just say this. The movie was incredibly long and it had way too many story lines going. I didn't really care for it a great deal. It had good parts, but didn't really draw me in. Beryl actually left after about 90 minutes.

Monday I again spent the day with myself. In the evening, we had a mini-potluck. It makes life easier. Victoria and Beryl came to my place, we had a meal, enjoyed ourselves. Beryl even made a peach cobbler. Not an easy task in Korea. She has a toaster oven. There are no ovens to be found in Korea. I was left with the mountain of dishes. Is this a fair trade-off? I'm still trying to decide.

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