Thursday, June 01, 2006

I Have The Money... Honest

I was paid last week. I have $2000 sitting in my bank account here at Nonghyup bank in Korea. I have no way in hell of paying my bills that are past due in the good ole' United States. It's becoming quite a headache.

So here's the deal. I can't pay my bills using Nonghyup's website. Okay. I can't use my creditor's websites to take money out of my Nonghyup bank account. Okay. I need to transfer the money into my bank at home, and then pay my bills. Great. One problem. My bank at home will not accept international money transfers. Yup. I wish I could pay my bills, but I just can't get the money to you.

So, to work around this problem I am trying to open an online savings account with Bank of America. I can transfer the money to them, pay my bills, and we all live in peace and harmony. The native Americans' call is maze. There's a problem with my application. Maybe this is due to the fact that I have a Bank of America credit card that wants payment. I don't know. I'm supposed to CALL the bank back home and find out what the issue is. Yeah, I have to call Bank of America on my dime from Korea to see what the hold up is. They apparently can't email me. You ever call this bank before? The phone call will literally cost me $20 and 5 years off of my life.

I had no idea before I left the U.S. that this would be such a pain in the bum. I had no idea that my bank wouldn't just take the money. They're a bank. Take the money. That's what banks do. Take the money. Why won't they just take the money? And in the mean time, the creditors are getting more and more mad at me. Oh well, c'est la vie.

1 comment:

Daniel Youngs said...

Apparently BOA has approved the account, so on monday I have to leave work early to get to the bank to transfer the money. Such a complicated process.