Friday, June 02, 2006

Hey, That's My Magnet!!!

So, I sit at a cubicle all day, it's a short cubicle, about a foot and a half of a wall above the desk, so you can see across the room. I rather like it. The cubicles are metal covered with fabric, so you need to use magnets to put anything up. On tuesday I finally remembered to go to the stationary store and get some magnets. I bought 8 little magnets, blue plastic, quite fetching (I also got a telescoping pointer to wake up those sleeping students with).

Today I came in, sat down, I have 7 magnets. Now, I did not drop a magnet, it wasn't knocked off. Someone has pilferred one of my magnets!!!! I'm a good guy. I will share, no problem. You need a magnet? Sure, take one. But one should ask, don't you think? I'm shocked that someone took a magnet and didn't ask me. That's stealing. If you ask permission then it's sharing. See the difference. I feel so violated. Now I want to hide my magnets in the drawer. Will I ever stop feeling victimized? Will I ever be whole again?

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