Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Korean Lottery

The only way to win it is to be in it. That's what the albeit cheezy saying is. So, it must be true. Now, I'm not one to ACTUALLY play the lottery, the one where you win money and become instantly happy and rich. But I do partake in another form of the "lottery." Cafeteria lunch.

Everyday is like a lottery here. I wait in line with my fingers crossed. "Come on good lunch. Daddy needs a new pair of chopsticks. Come on good lunch." Today I lost this daily lottery. Today it was squid soup. This makes my tummy sad. I ate squid yesterday. It's not my favorite, but it was in a sauce and paired up with pork, so I ate both together, no problem. Today the soup absolutely tasted of squid and there was no other flavor. So, I avoided it.

Squid here is different than you get back home. Back home it's calamari style. Breaded deep-fried goodness. It's not my favorite, but I'll have some. Here, the squid is cut into little strips, sometimes with suction cups, sometimes without. It's an odd kind of white and purple color, it's not chewy though. It's too much. I avoid the squid.

According to the menu, tomorrow is a squid-free day. So, my chances at this daily lottery are much better. Things are looking up.

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