Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mrs. Roper Has A Heart Of Gold

I know that I wrote before about my landlady, and how she buts into my apartment and life without warning or invite, but she's also there for me when I need help. Last night I was exhausted when I got home. It was a long day of trying to get children to speak English. Literally, it was like pulling teeth. I don't know if this was due to the BEAUTIFUL spring day or the fact that none of the children here care about English.

So, I was exhausted. My fridge was on empty. I had some old celery, a bit of yogurt, some grapes, and water. None of this added up to a meal. I ate the grapes but that didn't really fill the void. So, I went downstairs to my landlady. She was just getting home. She was kind enough to call Dominoes Pizza and place an order for me. So nice of her. When the pizza came, it was delivered to her apartment. Her husband rushed it up to me, and then ran downstairs to pay the delivery man. He came back up with my change and told me that the theatre near my place was showing Mission Impossible 3. It's so nice of them to think of things that I would like. It could be much worse.

My landlady and her husband rescued me when I was too tired to tredge to the market and then climb up that steep hill to my building and up 3 stories worth of stairs to my apartment. They rock.

1 comment:

Helios said...

i'm happy you found mrs. roper's heart of gold! Somehow, i thought it was in there somewhere ... maybe one day, you'll look forward to coming home and leaving your shoes out in the hall!